Sunday, April 5, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookie

A farewell gift for foodie WH

I actually also designed a label for the container, but I did not manage to take a picture of it. See if I can successfully download the photo from my mobile.

Hello Kitty Egg Mould

Never thought that I would ever succumbed to Hello Kitty's saccharine sweet claws. BC (i.e. before children), my sis and I used to looked at Hello Kitty with distaste and declared her as "the Cat without a Mouth".

However, the mission to feed / coerce / trick my children into eating more nutritional stuff, had lead to my ever-growing collection of cartoon related kitchen tools to disguise food as cutesy characters. So this was how my HK collection started. I must say that I'm somewhat a convert nowadays. I do honestly think that HK do have a certain cute factor. :p

Here's an attempt to make my older girl to eat hard boiled eggs.Hello Kitty Egg Mould

1. Boil extra large eggs, weighing about 65 grams each.
2. While boiling, try to roll the eggs around so that the egg yolk will settle at the middle of the egg.
3. Let the eggs cool slightly, peel off the shell and squish the egg into the egg mould. In order for the egg mould to work, the eggs have to be as hot as possible.
4. Latch the moulds and let the eggs cool for about 10-15 mins
5. Unlatch and remove eggs.

Unfortunately, HK failed to work her charms. The egg was untouched by her.