Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Loot! - Tokyo 2009

Now I know why so many people like Tokyo. The city is the most vibrant one that I'd ever seen, and of course, complete with beautiful (or should i say hardworking) people. The Chinese saying 'there is no ugly people, only lazy ones'. I could see the hard work behind the beautiful hair and make up and the perfectly coordinated outfits. Also got a shock on my first day in Tokyo when I saw the number of ladies touching up their make in the train toilet!

And oh...the shopping!!! the range of merchandise available here is dazzling! Unlike the shopping centres in Singapore, each shopping area / centre in Tokyo offers varied styles and brands. So each shopping destination is refreshing and interesting.

Here's some of my loot, while I find time to upload the rest of my holiday pictures.

Loft is my heaven. The array of stuff here basically short circuited my neuropathways. Here's the tools for bento making. Problem is..not sure when I will put them into use... :p
Egg moulds and cookie cuttersEgg Timer. Got to know about this product from dreamersloft. Just immerse this egg shaped timer together with the rest of the eggs to boil. The size of the red area will determine how cooked the yolk is. Very useful for making ajitama

Got these on orders of dear sis from Ranking Queen. The 'qiam qiam' with the green packaging is ranked No. 1 and the yellow packaging is ranked No. 2. Sis likes the yellow one but I prefer the green one. Also discovered that there are 2 Ranking Queen outlets in Shinjuku. One at Mosaic Street and one inside the train station
This sandwich cutter and sealer is my older daughter's favourite. She had been asking me to make her sandwiches using this almost everyday since I returned from Tokyo. The one on the right is the sandwich box.

Tools for fondant modelling. Bought this on impulse as I couldn't find any in Phoon Huat before I came to Tokyo. Cuoca is a cool baking supplies shop that I chanced upon in Shinjuku at the basement of the building where FranFranc and LV are.
Overpriced bath toy for my girls. The merchanise of Studio Ghibli
is so expensive! A DVD costs about S$50!

Sweets from Afternoon Tea, a zakka and tea place opposite my hotel. Only managed to pop by the shop just before I leave Tokyo. The goods in Afternoon Tea are pretty (and expensive like rest of Tokyo zakka shops)!! Too bad, our luggage are packed and I'm left very little yen.

1 comment:

Summer Strawberry said...

i bought an egg cooker.. in shape of chicken.. heheah